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Order Ladders and Hardware
5. Choose Your Ladder & Handrails
Custom Ladders - 20 In. Wide > Loft Application
Maple - 20 in. Wide Loft Ladder Up to 8 ft. - (for use with Stationary Hardware) Order "In-Stock" for 8 ft.)
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Enter Ladder Height in Inches
Maple Ladder - 20 In. Wide Loft Ladder up to 8 ft., Unfinished, Unassembled
Includes Ladder, Ladder Steps, Top Dowel Rod.
Requires QG.620 or QG.620-20 - Ladder Rung/Step Support. IMPORTANT: Hardware needed for Ladder assembly is included with all Hardware Kits (7) and with QG.620 or QG.620-20 - Ladder Rung/Step Support.
Up to 102 in - 7 Step Supports (included in Hardware Kits)
102 in. up to 112 in. - 8 Step Supports
112 in. up to 126 in. - 9 Step Supports
126 in. up to 138 in. - 10 Step Supports
138 in. up to 150 in. - 11 Step Supports
Loft Ladder Installation
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Red Oak - 20 in. Wide Loft Ladder Up to 10 ft. - (for use with Stationary Hardware) Order "In-Stock" for 10 ft.
Cherry 20 in. Wide Loft Ladder - 12 ft. - (for use with Stationary Hardware)
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Maple - 20 in. Wide Loft Ladder Up to 11 ft. - (for use with Stationary Hardware)
Red Oak - 20 in. Wide Loft Ladder Up to 8 ft. - (for use with Stationary Hardware) Order "In-Stock" for 8 ft.
Birch - White 20 in. Wide Loft Ladder Up to 10 ft. - (for use with Stationary Hardware)
Maple - 20 in. Wide Loft Ladder - 13 ft. - (for use with Stationary Hardware)
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Order Ladders and Hardware
1. Choose Your Hardware Kit for 16 in. Wide Ladders
2. Choose Your Hardware Kit for 20 in. Wide Ladder
3. Choose Your Rails / End Stops / Splices / Rung Supports
4. Choose Your Brackets
5. Choose Your Ladder & Handrails
Browse Ladder Hardware Components: Top Guides, Bottom Wheels/Feet, Ladder Top Dowels, Ladder Step/Rung Supports, Ladder Handrails, Non-Skid Clear Step Tread